Welcome to Art 8

This website is to assist you with Art rotation in your CSI course. CSI includes Art 8, Drama 8, Information Technology 8, and Woodworking 8. Use this website to keep track of assignments and information provided in class. If you have any questions please feel free to E-Mail me at ranasuriya_s@sd36.bc.ca.

Monday, September 12, 2011

First rotation of Art 8! Welcome!

Welcome to Art 8.

This course is part of CSI 8.  So you will only be in Art for 6 weeks.  Then you will move on to Drama or Info Tech.

We started with our "First Day" activity.  This has been marked and handed back, and should be in your folders.

Then we worked on Negative Space, and your good copies should also be in your folders.

Now we are working on shading and you should have good copies of shaded spheres and cubes in your folder as well.

All hand outs will be uploaded at the side of this page tonight.  Please review and make sure you received all the hand outs and have completed everything due so far.

What's Due: First Day activity/drawing, good copies of negative space, sphere, and cube.

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