Welcome to Art 8

This website is to assist you with Art rotation in your CSI course. CSI includes Art 8, Drama 8, Information Technology 8, and Woodworking 8. Use this website to keep track of assignments and information provided in class. If you have any questions please feel free to E-Mail me at ranasuriya_s@sd36.bc.ca.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Drawing Unit Final Project

For the final project for this unit we made macaroni/pasta sculptures! (FUN!)

They were spray painted white to give you more to work with for shading.

Then you were supposed to draw the contour then shade in the pasta.

To make this a bit easier for grade 8, the instructions were to make the cardboard the pasta was glued down to your darkest shade, and everything else gets lighter and lighter as it gets higher and higher off the cardboard.

Here are some good examples of this project:





This is the final item for your portfolio for this unit.  Next up, WATERCOLORS! :)

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